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Welcome to the JOB Australia jobs network; a database of current and future seasonal job opportunities suitable for young people traveling to and within Australia.

Sign up for membership.

It is very easy to become a registered JOB Australia member. Simply follow the register link.

Search for a job.

Your login access to the network enables you to see job descriptions, hours of work, rate of pay, special conditions including accommodation (if available), images of businesses or properties, employer websites and Google map displays. Jobs include work in the agricultural sector (fruit-picking, wineries), fishing, harvesting pearls, tourism (working on campsites or in hotels, interpreting, ballooning, tour guide, entertainment), cuisine (bar service, kitchen aids and chefs, casino staff), vehicle detailing, construction, volunteer conservation work and office jobs, as well as the exciting and demanding life and work on an outback cattle station. The job network is constantly being updated by Australian companies and can be searched by category, location (State or Territory of Australia), date of job commencement and the most recently listed positions.

Get in contact with Australian Employers

Each of the job listings in the network has a link with the Employer that enables you to make direct email application; to find out more information about the job, company and location and to build a personal relationship with your prospective Australian employer. Feel free to ask all of the additional questions you have in mind.